After all the stress of 2 cancellations the launch party was a SUCCESS! Woop Woop, praise God! It went so well, I honestly couldn't of asked for better. The Lil' Rascals and MYSELF were fab, all my books sold out (even the ones pre-paid for. Oops!) and the party was great. I can even ignore the dance battle that happened towards the end! Chloe Lillington won the Warrior Challenge Comp. She's only 9 and amazing. Thank God, for my parents, Naomi and Steph who helped so much in pulling it together. Steph's deco was so pretty, upgraded the party by miles. The only scary thing was the reading. The way I was trying to delay it because I was so nervous but it was very cool with the kids sitting down, all having their own copies of the book reading with me. I actually couldn't look at anyone until I finished, my throat was so dry, I thought I would have a coughing fit but everyone said it was good. Hopefully should get the pictures and some footage soon so ya'll can hav...
Welcome to my blog! Join me as I navigate this crazy world called publishing. As a dancer, I didn't know one thing about publishing and had to figure it out by myself so I could become an author. I now own 3 publishing businesses The Author School, The Lil' Author Skool and a publishing house called Hashtag Press. But I'm still just figuring it all out! Buy my books Emily Knight I am and Emily Knight I am...Awakened via or Amazon