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Showing posts from September, 2018

She came back and I said, “He's in his thirties, single and from Nigeria. He's the one.”

Summer is officially over! Oh I had the best summer with the best weather.  Now, the weather is starting to get a bit chilly but still warmer than usual. I'm praying that our winter is not super cold. Can you believe it's been a year since my second baby Emily Knight I am...Awakened was released? I just feel so grateful that people have brought my book, taken the time to leave a review for me or even just said something kind to me. I feel so happy!! One of the winners of the Birthday Giveaway told me her daughter took the book from her before she could read it and loved it. That really made me smile.  I finally have figured out book 3. I was getting so annoyed because I know how the saga ends but there's a whole bunch of other stuff that needs to happen, to lead up to the finale. Basically I was doing the most and just needed to calm it all the way down, so I think 4 books is in order. Unless my brain has other ideas. It's so hard with book 3 because you just want it...