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Showing posts from March, 2015 the same time I'm wondering, why can't she see that I'm blatantly reading something?

Do you remember that idea I said in my last blog about launching a business for writers? Well Helen and I are officially launching The Author School at this years London Book Fair! How cool is that? And we have our first session booked for Saturday June 6th, time to be confirmed but will be in the afternoon so if you need help with getting your book or book idea to the next level then send me an email at and I will get more info to you. Literally, a few weeks ago Helen and I met up at Southbank at 2.30pm and we stayed till about 8pm (no joke) just to plan and work on my funding, so I'm praying that it's approved cause that was practically a whole day of my life gone. Speaking of LBF, I am back there this year. The last time I went was I think in 2012 and I was still waiting to hear back if I had definitely got an agent. Look how much has happened since then. I just remember finding the whole experience at LBF daunting cause there was so much go...