Thanks to those who read my last blog about diversity in publishing. I know it was a more 'serious' tone than my usual blogs but it's a conversation that needs way more action and me and Helen had to get that of our chests. Now....I am 30 on Monday! I literally can't deal. I won't be in my 20's anymore. I am excited about my Wakanda themed birthday party on Saturday, although I have no idea what I'm doing for my actual birthday on Monday but even planning this party has got me exhausted. My skirt that was made for me was too poofy and then the designer was trying to argue with me that it was fine! Err what? Got it amended and then had to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a strapless bra because the bigger the boobs, the more expensive a bra is, which really sucks. A great present would be money and lots of it! I know alot of people hated their 20's but I LOVED my 20's. I admit it started off pretty shit. I was in a bad relationship for years...
Welcome to my blog! Join me as I navigate this crazy world called publishing. As a dancer, I didn't know one thing about publishing and had to figure it out by myself so I could become an author. I now own 3 publishing businesses The Author School, The Lil' Author Skool and a publishing house called Hashtag Press. But I'm still just figuring it all out! Buy my books Emily Knight I am and Emily Knight I am...Awakened via or Amazon