OK so I've been sending off emails to any magazine that sounds interesting to do work experience or freelance work that I found in my Writers Handbook. It's the only thing you'll ever need in your writing life. It has contacts for all agents, promoters, magazines, newspapers, courses and tells you about festivals and prizes. It's the best book basically for me right now. Anyway I contacted one girls magazine more aimed at 7-12 year olds asking for work experience. I wrote a little paragraph and sent my cover letter to them. The next evening when I got home from rehearsal (bare in mind at this point I'm tired and kinda irritated from dance) I decide to check my email. I had a response from the magazine (I won't bait there name cause they may help me in the future) and all it said was Hi Abiola, When you ask for work experience is really important to check your grammar. Love (name of the magazine) xxx It was one of those moments where I had to blink alot and rea...
Welcome to my blog! Join me as I navigate this crazy world called publishing. As a dancer, I didn't know one thing about publishing and had to figure it out by myself so I could become an author. I now own 3 publishing businesses The Author School, The Lil' Author Skool and a publishing house called Hashtag Press. But I'm still just figuring it all out! Buy my books Emily Knight I am and Emily Knight I am...Awakened via www.a-bello.com or Amazon