Check me out with my weekly post :) Let me not get cocky before I go back to blogging monthly So I get Emily Knight I am...Awakened NEXT WEEK!!! I cannot wait to hold it. I can't lie I'm a bit nervous to give it to reviewers. I feel like the first book got so many good reviews and it was such a blessing, so I hope they don't read book 2 and think what is this?? Men. I don't get them. I swear at 29 I still don't understand them. I still don't know who are the ones you should invest your time in, who are playing games. I legit get a headache when I think about them. The experiences that I have had, my friends have had could fill a billion page novel. I do wonder what was God thinking with this man/woman thing. I get pregnancy and all that but man, they are so exhausting. Even as I write this, I have a headache and I'm tired. Then I was talking to my friend about relationships and to be fair, my mindset can be quite masculine, so we were talking about a s...
Welcome to my blog! Join me as I navigate this crazy world called publishing. As a dancer, I didn't know one thing about publishing and had to figure it out by myself so I could become an author. I now own 3 publishing businesses The Author School, The Lil' Author Skool and a publishing house called Hashtag Press. But I'm still just figuring it all out! Buy my books Emily Knight I am and Emily Knight I am...Awakened via or Amazon